Dario Arezzo, JD, LLM, CFP

Dario Arezzo is a Retail Financial Services Leader overseeing Farm Credit East's financial services program. Prior to this role, Dario was a Senior Tax Consultant specializing in tax consulting, research, planning and compliance for both individuals and businesses within the agricultural community. Dario plays a significant role in the internal training for Farm Credit East’s tax staff as well as assists Farm Credit’s Knowledge Exchange department on matters of federal and state taxation.

Dario has a quarterly column titled Arezzo on Agriculture published in the prominent national tax publication State Tax Notes. Dario also authored the Cornell Income Tax School’s New York State tax manual. In addition to lecturing for Farm Credit East, Dario has spoken at New York FarmNet, New York’s Society of Enrolled Agents and the Cornell Income Tax School. Dario holds a B.S. from Cornell University, J.D. from Albany Law School and a LL.M from New York University.