
transgender images collage with speaker photo

TRANSGENDER: Shedding Light on the Issue Dividing our Nation, Tormenting Clients, and Challenging Religious and Business Communities

University of New Hampshire Professional Development and Training and The New Hampshire Pastoral Psychotherapist Association are proud to present a day with Rev. Dr. Paula Stone Williams, an internationally known speaker, educator, and consultant on Transgender and LGTBQ+ issues.

About the Seminar

With lecture and ample Q&A time, this seminar will help participants understand and support transgender and LGBTQ+ clients, parishioners, employees, and friends whose lives have been upended in our current political environment.

Part 1 - Learning About and Assisting Transgender. This “Transgender 101” session will answer questions about the transgender experience and provide practical tools needed to be an effective therapist, religious leader, employer, friend, and advocate for transgender individuals and for the community.

  • What does it mean to be transgender?
  • What is the difference between gender identity and sexual identity?
  • Is gender dysphoria genetic, pre-natal, or environmental, or are there multiple causes?
  • Why is the number of transgender people increasing?
  • How can advocates help make life better for those who are transgender?

Part 2 - Understanding Religion and the LGTBQ+ Community. Most church leaders and members of conservative congregations continue to disseminate anti-trans misinformation and fuel political activism. History shows that people can change their minds, but not unless new information is offered in non-threatening ways. This session will help participants learn to interact with religious individuals and communities in ways that can bring about positive societal change.

  • Why has the religious right become so vocal and politically active regarding trans issues?
  • How did transgender adolescents become the political flashpoint they are today?
  • What role does religion play in the current anti-trans rhetoric and the battle for LGBTQ+ rights
  • What is the best way to bridge the divide and constructively move forward?


Early Bird rate - $199 (through April 12)
Regular rate - $249 (through May 1) - NOW EXTENDED THROUGH MAY 10!
Late rate - $275 (begins May 10)

Instructor Bios


TRANSGENDER: Shedding Light on the Issue Dividing our Nation, Tormenting Clients, and Challenging Religious and Business Communities

  • Paula Stone Williams

    Rev. Dr. Paula Stone Williams is uniquely qualified to address this topic with mental health practitioners, pastors, educators, and corporate leaders.  A transgender woman who is a mental health professional, clergy person, and former CEO, she brings powerful insight, poignant perspective, and solid guidance regarding this timely concern. Paula is an internationally known speaker on issues of gender equity, LGBTQ+ advocacy and religious tolerance.  Her TED talks have had over nine million views. As keynote speaker, Paula has addressed hundreds of corporations, conferences, churches, and universities around the world.  She has served as an adjunct university professor in the United States and Europe. In addition to her role as an educator and consultant, Paula has been CEO of a large religious nonprofit, editor-at-large of a nation-wide magazine, and host of a national television show.  With her wide-ranging expertise, also informed by her doctoral dissertation on the DiSC Personality Profile, she has led corporate boards and work teams to become more effective and productive. Paula’s memoir, As A Woman – What I learned About Power, Sex, and the Patriarchy After I Transitioned, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2021. She has written eight books, including She’s My Dad, co-authored with her son, Jonathan.

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