

PMP Test Prep with PM-SM Certificate

The PMP Test Prep and PM-SM Certificate program is designed to prepare you to take the Project Management Institute's PMP® Exam.  And by completing this program you will also receive the new Project Manager-Scrum Master™ Certificate that updates waterfall project management concepts in the tradition of PMI, with Agile-Scum, thus creating an improved and unified set of better practices. The development and release of this certificate results from observation of market trends where relatively few organizations have dedicated Scrum Masters but DO have full-time Project Managers.

PMP Test Prep Boot Camp Certification fulfills Project Management Institute's (PMI) 35 hour requirement for the PMP® Exam.

 The delivery of this course is a combination of live instruction and recorded lectures. Four of the live instruction sessions will be live online and one will be offered in Portsmouth with the option of in person or live online.

 Who should take this course?

Anyone wanting to prepare for the PMP Exam while also attaining a new powerful and relevant credential - the PM-SM™. Anyone interested in becoming a leader of teams and projects with all the required human skills. The PMP credential is still highly valued in the industry and the knowledge, skills, and techniques taught in class not only prepare participants for the exams but learns and applies new skills in a significant class project.

Mark Hall is one of the foremost experts in Project Management and PMP preparation in the country and one of the highest rated instructors for UNH PD&T. Sign up now and get access to the class recordings to get a jump on the class.

Hear what attendees are saying about Mark Hall and UNH PMP Test Prep:

"Mark had a great way of making the content relevant to our jobs. Even though we were studying for an exam, we also were able to think about how to apply the concepts. He clearly has a lot of experience and does a great job engaging the class."

"Mark's knowledge and enthusiasm were most valuable."

"Just received my PMP exam scores - "above target" in all three areas.  Thank you again for your help and guidance."

"This was a wonderful 4 weeks. I feel empowered with knowledge to pass the PMP exam and put these skills to use in my future career plans."

"General topics of discussion, material quality, cadence of study, and feedback were all extremely valuable for my learning experience."

What You Will Learn


PMP Test Prep with PM-SM Certificate

Introduction and PMP Exam overview
Learning objective:
• Learn about the PMI application process.
• Overview the PMP Exam details.
• Learn exam-taking tools and techniques.
• How to enroll in the PMP Exam.
• Identify exam preparation key methodologies.
Students take Baseline Assessment test (one hour)

The Project Management Framework
Learning objective:
• Define what a project is and what project management is.
• Understand the 9 project management knowledge areas.
• Define a project life cycle.
• Identify and define project stakeholders.
• Specify influences of organizational structures on project management.
• Highlight the skills required for a project manager.PM+SM-PMP Prep Course Syllabus v2023.2 P a g e | 2
• Define the Project Manager’s responsibilities.
• Identify social-economic environmental influences to projects.
• Define the 5 process groups of project management.
Chapter Practice Questions and Solutions Class Discussion

Project Integration Management
Learning objective:
• Define the project manager’s role as integrator.
• Control “gold plating” through work authorization.
• Understand the value of documenting lessons learned.
• Create a project plan.
• Define the Execution of the project plan.
• Know the use of baselines to monitor the progress of the project.
• Define integrated change control.
Chapter Practice Questions and Solutions Class Discussion

Project Scope Management
Learning objective:
• Highlight methods for project selection.
• Define the elements and importance of the project charter.
• Identify project constraints.
• Development of a scope management plan.
• Development of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
• Implementing scope verification.
Chapter Practice Questions and Solutions Class Discussion
Summary of concepts and approaches to questions for the PMP Exam
Project Simulation: Case Study

Project Time Management (Scheduling)
Learning objective:
• Methods for developing a schedule.
• Developing network diagrams (PERT, CPM and PDM charts).
• Using dependencies.
• Calculating the critical path(s) for the project.
• Calculating slack.
• Crashing and fast tracking a project.
• Resource leveling.
• Developing a schedule management plan.
• Use of CPM, PERT and Monte Carlo to estimate the duration of the project.
• Schedule Control.

PM+SM-PMP Prep Course
• Conflict management and resolution.
Chapter Practice Questions and Solutions Class Discussion
Team Building Class Exercise

Project Communication Management
Learning objective:
• Developing a communications plan.
• Communication methods.
• Communication blockers.
• Performance reporting.
• Administrative closure.
Chapter Practice Questions and Solutions Class Discussion
Communication Skill Building Exercise

Project Risk Management
Learning objective:
• Developing a risk management plan.
• Techniques for identifying risks.
• Categorizing risks.
• Qualitative risk analysis.
• Quantitative risk analysis.
• Using a decision tree.
• Developing a risk response plan.
• Risk response strategies.
• Risk monitoring and control.
Chapter Practice Questions and Solutions Class Discussion

Project Procurement Management
Learning objective:
• Procurement planning.
• Advantages and disadvantages of contract type selection.
• Solicitation planning.
• Solicitation.
• Source selection.
• Negotiation.
• Contract administration.
• Contract change control.
• Contract close-out.
Chapter Practice Questions and Solutions Class Discussion

Project Management Ethical Responsibility and Code of Conduct

Students take Verification Assessment Test

Agile Product Development/Project Management
Learning objective:
• Introduction to Agile/Scrum
• Team building activity review
• Scrum Team Roles
• Team Formation
• Understanding Vision
• User Story creation
• Backlog Grooming
• Release Planning
• Sprint Planning
• Scrum Day to Day operations
• Retrospectives – making them productive
• Scrum Tools
• Reporting/Velocity
• Goals and Milestones
• Scalability- The Spotify model
• Class project

  • Create vision statement
  • Create business plan
  • Document requirements
  • Identify all Features for Release 1 (MVP)
  • Write User Stories
  • Detailed sprint planning session to determine tasks, effort and duration for the sprint
  • Role plays for daily stand-ups

• Course retrospective
• Certification Exam
• Graduation


Tools & Materials


PMP Test Prep with PM-SM Certificate

Training materials

  •  Baseline Test™ and Verification Test™
  •  PMP®/Agile Practice Questions
  •  WGA Training Manual
  •  WGA Student workbook
  •  Class project simulation materials
  •  Project Templates.

Instructor Bios


PMP Test Prep with PM-SM Certificate

  • Mark Hall

    Mark Hall is a chief executive with thirty years of experience in the aviation, semiconductor, and professional services industries. He is the President of William George Associates (WGA), an Agile and project management consulting firm, and has been training and consulting in the Project Management (PM) space for 25 years.  He has taught the PMP preparation class 160 times in the past 18 years.

    He also oversees WGA Scrum consulting services including assessments, Agile coaching, and implementations. He assists clients in dramatically improving their product development processes leveraging Scrum. For large-scale products and teams, Mr. Hall teaches and coaches the Spotify model. The Agile wave is upon us for all types of product development and Mr. Hall is intent on teaching and implementing Agile/Scrum principles that improve customer satisfaction, increase revenue and profits, and create a self-organizing culture of employee satisfaction, passion and accountability.

    Mark serves on the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts High Technology Council. He is an alumnus of Furman University in Greenville, SC where he received a degree in Political Science and French Literature. He currently resides in Georgetown, MA with his wife of twenty years and his two children.

09:00am - 11:00am
09:00am - 11:00am
09:00am - 11:00am
09:00am - 11:00am
09:00am - 11:00am
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Portsmouth - Hybrid (in-person or live online)
Mark Hall
1495.00 Workshop Fee
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
PDT - 10% Alumni Discount
UNH Extension Discount
Guild Partner
New to NH Discount
UNHOCE Discount