How to Hack Your Awesome

How to Hack Your Awesome
how to hack your awesome

If you want to unleash more of your innate talent and strengths, get even better at what you do, perform at your best more of the time, and…become even more promotable, this session is for you. The goal is to help you hack You—i.e. understand more about what makes you tick, what makes you unique, and how to channel more of your awesome into the results you want. 

Excavating what makes you better doesn't just make you more successful, it also engages others and brings A LOT more zest to work and life.

In this program, we will explore how to:

  1. Identify and leverage your Super Powers: those talents and strengths that allow you to not only make a bigger difference in ways that are meaningful to you, but also "fire you up” and infuse you with enthusiasm and motivation.
  2.  Boost your energy level—the fuel that powers productivity, creativity, and overall performance.
  3. Take what elite athletes know—that "state determines performance”—to be at your best more of the time.
  4. Apply the science of habit change to get yourself to do the things you know you should do more consistently to be happier and more productive (hint: doing the "right stuff” and not the "wrong stuff” isn't about exerting more willpower.) 
  5. Create a life and work ecosystem that nourishes you and supports you being your best

So come to this informative, lively and interactive session and learn how to "hack your awesome”, and by doing so, become your Best Self and make a bigger impact in the world.

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