
Reaching and Teaching the Student with Attention Deficit Disorder: Learn to Manage Executive Dysfunction in the Classroom

Reaching and Teaching the Student with Attention Deficit Disorder: Learn to Manage Executive Dysfunction in the Classroom

ADHD and executive dysfunction go hand in hand. In fact, this disorder presents as a severe deficiency in accessing not only school but spills into home and community life. These students in your classroom are not functioning at the level you'd expect.  On a day-to-day basis you may witness inattention, impulsivity, and emotional dysregulation that isn't in sync with their age and expected developmental abilities. Students with a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder present with these and other symptoms such as lack of self-awareness, intermittent volition, poor working memory and chaotic behaviors. How do we reach and teach these students? Come to this seminar to learn about the latest research, better understand this disorder and to apply strategies and accommodations to help them succeed.

Instructor Bios


Reaching and Teaching the Student with Attention Deficit Disorder: Learn to Manage Executive Dysfunction in the Classroom

  • Tere Bowen-Irish

    Tere Bowen-Irish has been practicing occupational therapy for over 40 years in pediatrics and psychiatry. Tere focuses on providing assessment, treatment and collaborative services in public and private school systems. Through her business, All the Possibilities Inc., she offers workshops for therapists, parents and educators with a focus on service delivery, classroom management, mindfulness, wellness and prevention for all school age children. Tere is also the creator of The Drive Thru Menu Suite of Exercises, (published by Therapro) which is an initiative to bring movement into today’s classrooms. She is a certified YogaKids Inc. teacher and incorporates creative movement and yoga into her practice. She is a Certified Mindful Schools Instructor. She is the author of Yoga and Me, Come be a Tree and co-authored My Mindful Music with Mary Ann Harman.

    Visit her website, www.allthepossibilitiesinc.com or email her at tereirish-at-gmail.com

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