Before You Hit Send

Before You Hit Send
Keyboard with "send" key

Have you ever received an email that immediately struck your irritation chord triggering a strong reaction within you? Ever replied to this type of email too quickly – and wished you had written a more thoughtful reply? Or know others that you supervise who have replied too quickly?

Learn how to use targeted strategies to untangle strong emotion, regain your balance and respond rather than react when you find yourself triggered from emails and/or conflict situations. Strategies are applicable both professionally and personally.

This workshop is designed for anyone who has ever experienced strong emotion and/or frustration in the face of conflict and has a desire to learn more effective strategies that contribute to more positive outcomes and connection versus using habitual patterns of the past and disconnection.

As an interactive workshop, participants will have the opportunity to apply concepts to scenarios and engage in a dialogue about situations they have been confronted by and the importance of maintaining connection in the face of conflict. This three-hour workshop will be presented in its entirety using Zoom.

Expected outcomes:
•    Choose a response to conflict versus using reactive actions
•    Find more balance and clarity when “triggered”
•    Take away new strategies to use immediately
•    Shift from furious to curious about the intention behind the triggering words

This course is currently unavailable.