
Carbon Footprinting Icons

Carbon Footprinting: Data Collection and Calculations

How are carbon footprints calculated? What data is needed? How do you even collect that data? This course on carbon footprinting will explore all of these questions, and more. There are many greenhouse gas inventory tools to assist with the footprint calculations, but the result is only as good as the data you enter. An inventory data set must be both complete and accurate for your baseline and tracking calculations.

In this 4-hour virtual course, we will explain the data collection and calculations that go into calculating a carbon footprint. This course will explore the following topics:

  • Key concepts for data collection, including system boundaries and scopes
  • Overview of the data collection and processing for all scope 1 (on-site direct emissions) and scope 2 (purchased utilities) sources, with some select scope 3 (indirect emissions) sources
  • How the footprinting calculations work for all scope 1 sources, all scope 2 sources, and select scope 3 sources
  • Recommendations for reviewing your inventory data set and your results for accuracy

This data-focused course will provide the basic information you need to collect and process a data set for a carbon footprint. We will also explain how the calculations “behind the scenes” work in greenhouse gas inventory tools. We will demonstrate these concepts using SIMAP (www.unhsimap.org), a carbon and nitrogen footprint tool that is hosted by the UNH Sustainability Institute.

This course will include presentations from the instructors, breakout group discussions, hands-on data exercises in breakout groups, and Q&A sessions. We recommend that you take “Introduction to Carbon Footprinting” before this course. If you’d like to take this course first, please contact the instructors.


This course is offered free of charge to current UNH students. Please reach out to Jennifer Andrews for details jennifer.andrews@unh.edu.

This program is offered in partnership with the UNH Sustainability Institute

Instructor Bios


Carbon Footprinting: Data Collection and Calculations

  • Jennifer Andrews

    Jennifer Andrews

    Jenn Andrews has spent the past two decades supporting climate action and sustainability across sectors.  Since 2013 she has been at the University of New Hampshire working with faculty, staff and students to meet campus sustainability goals; directing efforts to help higher education institutions and other organizations undertake carbon and nitrogen tracking and management, with the Sustainability Indicators Management and Analysis Platform (SIMAP); and coordinating and collaborating with other sustainability professionals in the public and private sectors to strengthen the sustainability field.  Before coming to UNH she worked for a New England-based, climate-solutions focused nonprofit.

  • Allison Leach

    Allison Leach

    Allison Leach is a postdoctoral researcher with the UNH Sustainability Institute. She is a developer of the nitrogen footprint approach, and she led the integration of the nitrogen footprint into SIMAP. She currently works on SIMAP research & development. Prior to arriving at UNH, Allison was a researcher and graduate student at the University of Virginia where she developed the first-ever university level nitrogen footprint model. She holds a B.S. and M.S. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia and a Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies from the University of New Hampshire. Her dissertation was titled "The Nitrogen Challenge: Footprints Tools and On-Farm Solutions."

01:00pm - 03:00pm
01:00pm - 03:00pm
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Jennifer Andrews
199.00 Tuition
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
10% Alumni Discount
UNH Extension Discount
Sustainability Student Discount
Guild Partner
Military Discount
SIMAP Subscriber Discount
REEO Discount
New to NH Discount
01:00pm - 03:00pm
01:00pm - 03:00pm
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Jennifer Andrews
199.00 Tuition
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
10% Alumni Discount
UNH Extension Discount
Sustainability Student Discount
Guild Partner
Military Discount
SIMAP Subscriber Discount
REEO Discount
New to NH Discount