
team building resiliency through support

You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup: Building a Resilience Toolkit for Therapists, Coaches, and their Clients

If there’s anything the pandemic has taught us is that we all need to “up our game” when it comes to resilience.

The increased level of change, challenge, and uncertainty we are facing requires that we and our clients upgrade our toolkit to address.

In this class, for therapists and coaches, we explore techniques and practices that build a person’s capacity to deal with whatever challenges their life brings them. The approaches you will learn are based on research from the world of mind/body medicine, neurobiology, peak performance athletics, and wisdom traditions. You will learn both the methods and the science behind them, so you’re able to reach clients who might not respond to approaches they think are “touchy feely” or “woo woo.”

Topics Include:

  • How to shift your state from disempowered to empowered and energized, and how to help a client do the same.
  • Techniques that foster greater equanimity and less reactivity.
  • What the world of peak performance athletics knows that everyone else needs to, and how to implement this in your life.
  • How to directly affect your nervous system’s resilience while boosting your mood at the same time.
  • How to shift your focus from the current crisis to a bigger, more expansive, wider perspective that enables learning and resourcefulness to emerge.

What You Will Learn


You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup: Building a Resilience Toolkit for Therapists, Coaches, and their Clients

Participants will learn how to:

  • Use the mind/body connection to shift one’s perspective and therefore the ability to recognize options and opportunities where before they could not
  • Foster greater equanimity and less reactivity to difficult people and circumstances using a blend of cutting edge science and ancient wisdom traditions
  • Do what peak performance athletes do to maintain high levels of energy and performance despite demanding lives
  • Use a technique based on video game psychology that increases resilience while also improving one’s mood and increasing one’s energy
  • Develop “Instant Perspective” rather than needing weeks or months to pass before being able to put annoying, or painful situations in perspective
  • Use a simple technique for training the brain to see opportunities in challenges and  enables learning and resourcefulness to emerge.

Instructor Bios


You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup: Building a Resilience Toolkit for Therapists, Coaches, and their Clients

  • David Lee

    David Lee, the founder of HumanNature@Work, works with employers who want to improve employee engagement, productivity, and customer service. He has worked with organizations and presented at conferences both domestically and abroad.

    An internationally recognized thought leader in the field of employee engagement and performance, he is the author of over 150 articles and book chapters that have been published in trade journals and books in the US, Europe, India, Australia, and China

    He is also the author of Dealing with a Difficult Co-Worker and Powerful Storytelling Techniques for Trainers (published by ASTD Press).

    In addition to his research and work with both struggling and “best in class” organizations, David Lee’s work draws from a wide range of scientific disciplines including cognitive neuroscience, anthropology, psychoneuroimmunology, trauma and resilience research, and paleopsychology.

    Taking this research which typically doesn’t find its way into the business world, David translates these principles of human nature into practical leadership and managerial strategies that optimize employee performance.

    To capture the impact understanding human nature makes, David borrows from the popular TV show The Dog Whisperer, and explains “Understanding human nature helps you become a People Whisperer, and by doing so, dramatically improves your ability to get the best results from others (and yourself).”

    Recently, his work on what makes organizations resilient and employees perform at their best has focused on the central role productive relationships and productive conversations have on these outcomes, with this being the take away message:

    “Every better business result you desire requires having a better conversation.”

09:00am - 03:30pm
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
David Lee
199.00 Workshop Fee
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
PDT - 10% Alumni Discount
UNH Extension Discount
REEO Discount
New to NH Discount