
Inspire Writing with Comics and Graphic Novels

Go Graphic! Reading and Writing Graphic Novels in the ELA Classroom (K-8)

What is the difference between a comic and a graphic novel? How can we effectively teach students to read and write comics and graphic novels, and what are the benefits of doing so? After attending this workshop, participants will be able to articulate some of the common elements found in graphic-heavy texts and will learn how to engage students in not only reading, but in writing these popular, yet often undervalued, forms. Bring a sense of play and "healthy risk-taking" back to your classroom! Please bring writing materials (e.g., writer's notebook, lined or unlined, writing utensils, and/or a tablet or laptop) as well as a favorite comic or graphic novel.

Instructor Bios


Go Graphic! Reading and Writing Graphic Novels in the ELA Classroom (K-8)

  • Shawna Coppola

    Shawna Coppola has been a public school educator for over two decades. Certified as a literacy specialist as well as a K-8 educator in the state of New Hampshire, Shawna is a sought-after speaker and consultant with The Educator Collaborative, a literacy think tank & professional development organization. She has written two books about writing for teachers and is currently working on a third about anti-oppressive literacy education.

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