Guide to Psychiatric Medications for Therapists and Educators

Guide to Psychiatric Medications for Therapists and Educators
white pill bottle with pills forming question mark

Often times, you may feel as though you are working in a pharmacy. Youth are taking an array of prescription drugs for everything from ADHD to PTSD to PDD.

In this workshop, you'll learn about the most common psychiatric disorders seen in the student population, a basic understanding of what the young person is experiencing with these illnesses, and the drugs used to treat them.

The workshop will include the indications for these medications, how they affect the brain, their desired effects, and their possible side effects. You will learn to observe behaviors that might be a response to medication and the language to use to describe the symptoms so that prescribers and parents can best respond to the needs of the student/client.

6.0 Category A Continuing Education hours for licensure have been applied for through NASW-NH.

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