

Implicit Bias: awareness and response to mitigate impact

This workshop was formerly titled Understanding Unconscious Bias: A Foundation of Your DEI Initiative

Every day, we make hundreds of unconscious decisions in favor of one group or individual, to the detriment of another - even when we are consciously committed to inclusion. Holding biases is the way our unconscious brains function.

Unfortunately, this “unconscious bias” plays out in recruitment and hiring, performance discussions, mentoring, job assignments, promotions/growth opportunities, organizational policies, customer service, marketing campaigns, and even just the ability to appreciate others’ ideas.

Research is beginning to show that unconscious bias is insidious and can negatively impact an organization’s culture and financial success without anyone realizing it. For organizations to thrive, it is crucial to understand how and where bias comes from, how it manifests, and how to increase awareness in order to mitigate it.

In this highly interactive (and guilt-free) workshop, we’ll explore how we miss seeing our various biases. We will shine a light on inclusive policies that take our unconscious brains out of the equation. We’ll also explore behavioral strategies that can affirm, welcome and connect us to those who are different than us.

In adopting inclusive policies and behaviors, we’ll be treating our colleagues, candidates, clients, and others with honor, respect and dignity so they (and the organization) can realize their full potential. This workshop, and the principles of unconscious bias, can provide a foundation from which your other diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts can build.

This course has been approved for SHRM PDCs

Instructor Bios


Implicit Bias: awareness and response to mitigate impact

  • Derek Ahl

    Derek Ahl specializes in organizational behavior, strategic thinking and leadership development.  He regularly supports senior leadership teams and individuals using expert facilitation, consultation, executive coaching, and provides customized instructional design.  Known for facilitating tactical engagements such as board retreats, longitudinal cohorts, project implementation & collaborative ventures; Derek hopes to raise awareness, curiosity and compassion in leaders to help drive sustainable and just solutions for our changing world.  Derek holds a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and is an associate consultant and facilitator with numerous firms.

09:00am - 03:30pm
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Derek Ahl
289.00 Tuition
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
PDT - 10% Alumni Discount
UNH Extension Discount
Military Discount
REEO Discount
New to NH Discount