
Mastering HR Leadership at UNH

Mastering HR Leadership

This course has been approved for SHRM PDCs

Managers and employees need HR professionals to be leaders, partners, and teammates with the common goal of a successful and sustaining organization. This interactive workshop will focus on ways to achieve three crucial competencies of any HR leader: business mastery, human resources mastery, and personal credibility. Business mastery pertains to knowing your customers, products, and services; understanding how your organization operates; comprehending financial management and strategic planning; and aligning the HR function with your organization's objectives and needs. HR mastery includes having the breadth of knowledge, skills, and abilities in the profession, the desire for continuous learning, and the drive to attain excellence. Personal credibility pertains to having the respect and trust of others in your judgment and skills. This workshop is for both new and experienced HR professionals.

What You Will Learn


Mastering HR Leadership

Personal Credibility – HR Expertise – Business Expertise

Credibility Traits

Credibility Specific to HR Professionals

Ethical Practices

Talent Management

Culture & Employee Engagement

Risk Management

Customer-Driven Quality

Instructor Bios


Mastering HR Leadership

  • Instructor - Debbie Zimmermann

    Debbie Zimmermann

    Debbie Zimmermann's career as a Human Resources professional began over 25 years ago and includes 12+ years as a Global HR Business Partner and Strategic People Leader. Debbie has experience working for start-ups and large corporations in San Francisco, CA and Portsmouth, NH. She has been fortunate to work in diverse industries including Software & Technology, Life Sciences, Healthcare and Insurance Services. She has a passion for learning, partnering with business leaders and improving the employee experience.  She has enjoyed roles with a focus on developing company culture, fostering employee engagement and retention and taking the lead on Organizational Development discussions and Change Management opportunities.

    Debbie is currently self-employed as a Human Resource Consultant and has been working as an adjunct professor for the University of NH for over 5 years. During this time she has developed workshops in several areas including:  HR Leadership, Employee Retention, Introduction to HR and Compensation.  She is a trained facilitator in a number of leadership programs and team building assessments.

    Debbie graduated from the University of NH with a B.S. in Business Administration and minor in Psychology. She also completed her Masters Certificate in the Human Resource field from Southern NH University. In addition, she is a Nationally certified Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach. She is also the former President and Vice President of the Marin Human Resource Association in San Francisco and Diversity Director for the Seacoast Human Resources Associate (SHRA) through SHRM.

09:00am - 03:30pm
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Debbie Zimmermann
289.00 Tuition
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
PDT - 10% Alumni Discount
UNH Extension Discount
Military Discount
10% off HR-ROI Workshop
REEO Discount
New to NH Discount
UNHOCE Discount