6 CEHs for Wetland and Soil Scientists, 1.5 CEUs for Surveyors
5.5 CEUs for Foresters
Approved for 6 NHDES Subsurface Bureau credit hours.
This one-day refresher workshop covers how to describe soil horizons, soil color, redoximorphic features, soil textures, soil consistency, soil structure, geomorphic characteristics, and soil taxonomy at the soil series level. Learn about the basics of soil profile development and its application for soil interpretations. The Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils, Version 3.0 (2012) will be provided. Bring a copy of the Munsell color books if you have one. Old copies of Munsell color books will be available for student use. If you want to purchase a Munsell color book, an educational discount is available through Pantone LLC at (201) 777-5930 or pdurante@pantone.com.
This workshop was previously called Describing and Sampling Soils.