Soil Morphology II

Soil Morphology II
Soil layers
This workshop is the next phase of Soil Morphology where the students will have a hands-on experience of logging test pits.  The students will work to describe the soil morphology in the pits on their own.   The instructor will then describe the test pits so the students can evaluate their ability to properly log the pits.
The course will start at 9AM and will have a brief overview of the test pit logging process.  The students will then go to the pits and begin logging.  Sufficient pits will be open to allow each student to be in their own pit.  The students will be given 10 minutes to log the pits and then they will rotate to the next pit.  A loud boat horn will signal the rotation time.
We will stop at noon for lunch.  After lunch, the instructor will take the students to each test pit and describe the soil morphology.   The students will check their logs against the instructor's description.  Depending on the questions, the course will be completed by 3:30PM.  
Students need to bring a color book, and putty knife or similar tool to scarify the sides of the pit, a tape measure, and clip board or similar tool for writing up the test pit logs.  The logs will be supplied. The students should be dressed for the field.  Prior knowledge of soil morphology including horizon designations, Munsell color notations, soil structure, soil consistence, and redox features is needed to effectively participate in this workshop.
Their will be a rain date for this workshop.

This course is currently unavailable.