Understanding the Basis and Use of Wetland Evaluation

Understanding the Basis and Use of Wetland Evaluation
wetland sunset

Cosponsored by UNH Cooperative Extension

7 CEHs for Wetland and Soil Scientists, 1.75 CEUs for Surveyors
6 Category 1 CFEs for Foresters pre-approved by the Society of American Foresters

Also approved by NEIWPCC, on behalf of Mass DEP, for 3 TCHs for MA Title 5 Soil Evaluator renewal or activation, Auth. #T517-0006.

Spend the morning learning about four different methods of wetland evaluation: the NH Method, the new Army Corps Rapid Assessment Method, the Ecological Integrity Assessment Method, and the Federal Highway Method. You'll discuss the pros and cons and most appropriate use of each method and also learn how to use the NH Wetlands Mapper as a preliminary tool for evaluation and how this can accompany GIS work. During the afternoon, you'll head outdoors to a wetland in Manchester to practice using the wetland evaluation methods. You'll use the prepared wetland maps to assist your field assessments. Be sure to bring a notepad, clipboard, pencil, personal drinking water, and bug spray. It would also be helpful if you can bring a camera and binoculars. Wear clothing suitable for outdoors.

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