Unraveling the Newly Adopted NHDES Wetland Rules

Unraveling the Newly Adopted NHDES Wetland Rules

18 CEHs for Wetland and Soil Scientists

This three-day, multi-part course is not intended to critique the newly adopted NHDES wetland rules that went in to effect on December 15, 2019. Rather, it will present the rules in an easy to understand format to benefit property owners, consultants, municipalities and others.

Administrative rule making requirements often result in formatting and language that can be difficult to grasp and comprehend. This course will help to unravel the “government-speak” of the rules.

Over the course of our three days we will particularly focus on:

•    The process leading up to adoption of the rules
•    New definitions and references
•    Various application types and corresponding review processes based on project complexity and impacts to aquatic resources
•    Wetland assessment requirements
•    Mitigation requirements
•    Stream crossing requirements
•    Development activities along shorelines of water bodies
•    Rule waiver requests and requirements
•    What happens now including possible future rule making

There will also be ample opportunity to ask questions, seek clarification, and make suggestions. A hard copy of the rules will be provided to each student.

Course participants should have a basic understanding of the format and language of the existing rules that can be found here:  https://www.des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/legal/rules/index.htm#wetlands.  As well as the underlying statutes, RSA 482-A: that can be found here http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-L-482-A.htm and RSA 483-B that can be found here: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/nhtoc/nhtoc-l-483-b.htm.

Please note that this is a three-day course. The tuition cost shown is the price for all three days. Attendance is mandatory all three days for those who wish to receive applicable CEUs, attendance letters, etc.

This course is currently unavailable.