NH K-12 Suicide Prevention Training

young person standing facing a wall with an arrow on the left and right

In-Service Training for Educators, Administrators, and Staff Working with Youth

This 2-hour training for school personnel meets the requirements set out in SB (Senate Bill) 282 for suicide prevention education in public and charter schools. Our instructors will bring this training to your school. Evidence-based training will include identifying:

Yellow paper heart and ribbon
  • youth suicide risk factors,
  • warning signs,
  • response procedures,
  • referral post-intervention,
  • and resources available within the school and community.

Requirements of the act, such as identifying a person within the school as  the point of contact when a student is believed to be at risk for suicide, and parent education will be reviewed.

To discuss bringing this in-service training to your school, please contact Zainab Qari, Custom Training Coordinator, at custom.training@unh.edu or (603) 641-4350.


About the Instructors


Christine Miller

Christine Miller, Ed.M., LCMHC, is a psychotherapist in Bedford, NH and has been adjunct faculty at Plymouth State University Graduate School, NHTI, and New England College. She is a clinician with 35+ years of experience in treating women and adolescents in varied settings including schools, juvenile justice, a group home and family planning clinics. Christine specializes in integrating therapeutic tools, tailoring them to the individual and providing short-term, focused and brief psychotherapy.

Christine received her Master of Education from Boston University. She designs and leads day-long workshops for mental health professionals and educators with UNH Professional Development & Training. Her particular interests are the biological basis of behavior and psychopharmacology, anxiety disorders, psychiatric disorders associated with reproduction, and teens/women’s issues.



Hannah Mariotti

Hannah Mariotti has an MA in Counseling and over 20 years of experience in education and mental health care. As a counselor, Hannah has held positions in hospitals, health services and private practice. She has worked in both traditional, independent and therapeutic schools with students from K-12 and colleges. Her interests include learning and the brain, interpersonal neurobiology, anxiety/depression, attachment and trauma, addiction, social/emotional learning and mindfulness.

Hannah currently helps to create and facilitate day-long trainings with University of New Hampshire Professional Development & Training. She also practices as an educational/therapeutic consultant and is a co-founder of Beacon Coaching & Consulting. Hannah enjoys connecting families and clients to the support and information they need to grow and thrive.



Governor Sununu Signs SB 282
Governor Sununu signing a bill into law

“Suicide is preventable, and it starts with us,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “With passage of this bill our  state is taking a major step forward in youth suicide prevention efforts. We know that today is not the end of our work, but it is an important first step. In the years to come I look forward to working with families, advocates, and members of the legislature to assess the impact of this bill and to continue to develop additional methods to combat suicide in our state.”