Design Thinking: A People-Focused Approach to Defining Problems

Design Thinking: A People-Focused Approach to Defining Problems
Design Thinking

Design thinking is a term that is often defined from a bird’s eye view. It’s been called a “framework for innovation”, and a “human-centered” approach to solving problems. But at street level, design thinking is simply about taking a challenge with people at its core, and asking “what would a designer do to solve this?”

Today, design thinking has been re-purposed from the product development cycle to financial services, insurance, education, and even human resources. The classic design process is distilled into a creative problem solving tool, where the first step is defining the problem to be solved.

This workshop will deconstruct the first steps in the design thinking process, and empower participants with a richer understanding of the activities, tools, and mindset inherent to implementing holistic, people-focused solutions in their organizations.

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