Rich Huebner
Rich Huebner is currently Principal Data Architect for New England Quality Care Alliance, a small accountable care organization that positively affects the quality of care for over 250,000 patients in Massachusetts. Rich, with the help of his team, are responsible for leading the overall enterprise data architecture decisions that affect downstream analysis and business intelligence for NEQCA. He has 25 years of combined industry and academic experience in IT and computing and has specialized in data-related matters including database design, database administration, data analysis, and data architecture. He also serves as an adjunct professor at New England College of Business, where he teaches graduate courses in MIS, Operations Management, Statistics, Healthcare Informatics, Human Resources Analytics, and is developing courses for their new business analytics program. Rich holds a Bachelor's in Business Administration, a Master's in Management, a Master's in Information Systems, and is nearing completion of a PhD in Information Technology. He is also credited with 20 refereed journal and conference proceedings publications.