Telehealth Legal and Regulatory Issues 

Telehealth Legal and Regulatory Issues 
Online Video Conference Chat With Medical Doctor

Module Overview 

In this module, participants will learn about the current regulatory landscape of telehealth including considerations for licensure, informed consent and the HIPAA privacy rule.  

Learning Objectives 

  1. Analyze key legal and regulatory policies that impact the use of telehealth. 

  2. Apply appropriate legal and regulatory principles to one’s current or envisioned program. 

  3. Identify reliable sources of information for telehealth legal and regulatory guidance. 


  • FALL 2024 COURSE ACCESS DATES: October 1 - November 30, 2024
  • ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: November 16, 2024

Contact Hours:

* Continuing education credit will be available for completion of this module.

Price: $150 

New Bundle Pricing!
You can add the entire Telehealth Bundle (5 classes) to your cart for $699 (savings of $50) and select your courses at checkout.


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