Telehealth Technology 

Telehealth Technology 
Person with headset and computer monitor

Module Overview 

In this module, participants will learn about various telehealth technologies available including those needed to meet basic requirements for telehealth as well as innovative technologies aimed to enhance quality of care. Participants will also explore cybersecurity considerations and best practices for the integration of technology. 

Learning Objectives 

  1. Identify available telehealth technologies and appropriate uses for each. 

  2. List five guiding questions for telehealth technology selection. 

  3. Discuss risk reduction strategies and troubleshooting approaches to common issues associated with telehealth technology. 


  • FALL 2024 COURSE ACCESS DATES: October 1 - November 30, 2024
  • ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: November 16, 2024

* Continuing education credit will be available for completion of this module.

Price: $150 

New Bundle Pricing!
You can add the entire Telehealth Bundle (5 classes) to your cart for $699 (savings of $50) and select your courses at checkout.


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