This course has been pre-approved for SHRM PDCs
Imagine a workplace without the constant stressors of blame and gossip. The concept is easy to understand, and hard to make a reality.
Once accomplished, the workplace is safe and productivity and motivation increase. Employees feel comfortable to bring up concerns and become increasingly proactive addressing issues. It doesn't matter who is to blame. What does matter is that what's not working gets fixed.
When the environment is not punitive, employees are much more willing to own up to mistakes and take responsibility when something goes wrong. If they become aware of an issue or concern, they comfortably bring it up.
Problems are solved early - before they have a chance to become more serious - and solutions are found so that the experience isn’t replicated. Client/Customer Service improves, as it always does, when employees feel safe and trusted.
Gossip-free means that people talk to each other rather than about each other - including talking to supervisors about colleagues. At the outset, these concepts seem impossible to implement. "It's not natural," you might say.” But, it is worth a try.
Consider the benefits of a work environment where fear, worry, resentment, and suspicion are absent? A place where the work flows because the avenues previously cluttered with destructive chatter have been cleared.