Empower your Email Box!

Empower your Email Box!
Typing on laptop

This workshop was formerly titled : Getting the Most From Your Emails

Energize your email routine by managing inbox and filing to improve your workflow!

From writing powerfully connecting messages that engage your colleagues and customers, to structuring your storage and response strategies, this course teaches you how to maximize the tools that you have at hand.

 You need to know where to find key information and how to set up flags so you never miss a reply deadline. Have you considered how to get the meaning of your messages to land as you intend? This course offers strategies to add empathy to each message and that connects you to your email recipients, so they respond appropriately.


This course is currently unavailable.

  • Create boundaries and defined locations for messages
  • Manage the flow and filing so you can find and respond to messages, attachments and links
  • Understand how we make others feel in email communication
  • Adapt your messages for the right audience
  • Craft email with purpose and intention
  • Best practices for building in-house email culture that is a model for your partners and customers.