Soil Genesis & Classification

Soil Genesis & Classification
Soil layers

6 CEHs for Wetland and Soil Scientists, 1.5 CEUs for Surveyors
6 CEUs for Foresters
Also approved by NEIWPCC, on behalf of MassDEP, for 6 TCHs for MA Title 5 Soil Evaluator renewal or activation. Auth. # T516-0023

In SOIL GENESIS we will focus on identifying glacial landforms with their relationship to general kinds of soil, learning to predict soil types based on their landscape position. This will be applied both in the classroom and in the field. Students will get an understanding of how soils develop over time, as influenced by physical, chemical, biological, and climatic factors, with an emphasis on identifying diagnostic horizons.

Topics include the natural processes of weathering, illuviation, podsolization and redox reactions that produce characteristic soil morphologies.

Soil Genesis or Basic Soil Morphology are prerequisites for UNH Professional Development and Training courses in Soil Taxonomy and Soil Mapping.


9:00AM - 3:30PM
Rindge Recreation Building
Thomas Peragallo
225.00 Workshop Fee
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
10% Alumni Discount
REEO Discount
UNHOCE Discount
9:00AM - 3:30PM
Town of Goffstown
Thomas Peragallo
225.00 Workshop Fee
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
10% Alumni Discount

This course serves as a required workshop for the Certificate Program in Soil Science.

This certificate will provide you with practical skills on how to examine soil profiles, identify how soils develop over time, record test pits, and much more.

The program is offered at Pease in Portsmouth, in Manchester, Durham, and at various off-site locations. The program consists of four required workshops. You are required to complete the program within two years.

4 Required Workshops:

Please note that this certificate is exclusively a non-credit continuing education certificate issued by UNH Professional Development & Training. This certificate is not intended to replace or substitute any other license, certificate, or accreditation. CEUs will be issued upon completion of each course.

For More Information
Call (603) 862-7380
or send an email to