
Treatment System Design & Post Construction Performance Estimates, Part II

Treatment System Design & Post Construction Performance Estimates, Part II

Cosponsored with the UNH Stormwater Center

Stormwater Control Measure Design, Part II Infiltration

Please note that you must complete the following before attending this course: Treatment System Design & Post Construction Performance Estimates, Part I

This will be part two of a 12 hour, two-day course that will cover site stormwater management design, focusing primarily on Green Infrastructure and innovative Low Impact Design (LID) strategies. Part II of the course will be 6 hours and will include the following topics:

  • Performance characteristics of stormwater systems
  • Dynamic and static system sizing
  • Permeable pavements
  • Subsurface gravel filters
  • Hydraulic controls
  • Cost estimation
  • Performance crediting
  • Operation and maintenance

Treatment System Design Digital Badge:

Treatment System Design Digital BadgeParticipants who successfully complete Part I and Part II of the Treatment System Design program will automatically receive a digital badge micro-credential that verifies their accomplishment and skill that can be shared on social media, blogs and online portfolios.  

Upon completion of the two-part workshop, participants will receive an email with further information on claiming their badge. For more information on digital badges with UNH PD&T, click here.


Instructor Bios


Treatment System Design & Post Construction Performance Estimates, Part II

  • James Houle

    James Houle is the Program Director for the Stormwater Center. His responsibilities include directing and managing the Stormwater Center's growing body of research projects.  Areas of expertise include diffusion of innovative stormwater management solutions, the design and implementation of innovative stormwater control measures including green infrastructure (GI), and low impact development (LID) strategies, planning and implementation, operation and maintenance, and water resource monitoring. Dr. Houle holds a Ph.D in Natural Resources and Environmental Science and has over fifteen years of experience with water quality related issues in New England and is a certified professional in storm water quality (CPSWQ) and a certified professional in erosion and sediment control (CPESC).

09:00am - 03:30pm
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
James Houle
175.00 Tuition
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
10% Alumni Discount
UNH Extension Discount
Guild Partner
REEO Discount
New to NH Discount