
happy teacher with young student

Understanding SEL Disorders in the Classroom

Whether there is an official diagnosis of a social/emotional disorder or a student who exhibits many of the symptoms, the impact on the classroom is similar. These students often struggle with interpersonal skills, engagement, problem solving, and resilience.

Get an overview of disorders including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism, to understand how they impact classroom functioning as well as what instructional and environmental strategies teachers can implement to better support students with these needs.

Instructor Bios


Understanding SEL Disorders in the Classroom

  • Sarah Sherman Headshot

    Sarah Sherman

    Sarah Sherman has been teaching students with social/emotional and behavioral challenges from inner cities around the country to the Seacoast of NH for 20 years in the capacity of Special Educator, SEL Consultant, and Professional Development Instructor. Her goal is to help educators and administrators understand how SEL challenges, trauma/toxic stress, and what we know about neuroscience, impact student learning to provide support and practical strategies. She has a Masters in Special Education, is a Nationally Board Certified Teacher, and completed Post-Graduate Certificates in Applied Behavior Analysis and Trauma Informed Practices and Policies.

    She combines her unique experiences, neuroscience and research-based practices, and strength-driven connection making to remove barriers and build skills in both students and adults. She presents in a relative and engaging way that is full of discussion, reflection, and application of content that leaves people inspired and prepared to make a change.

09:00am - 03:30pm
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Sarah Sherman
199.00 Workshop Fee
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