The Voice of Today's Woman Leader

The Voice of Today's Woman Leader
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The landscape of women in leadership roles has been steadily improving, yet challenges and obstacles to greater levels of gender equality in the workplace continue to exist and persist. Whether you are just beginning your woman leader journey or are a seasoned veteran, this workshop will help you leverage the power of your voice to increase self-confidence, improve communication and increase influence.

Taking an inside-out approach based on positive psychology, you will identify and reframe the limiting thoughts, feelings and behaviors that you may be unintentionally experiencing and expressing that are holding you back from realizing the fullness of your power and potential.

Course topics will include innate gender-related communication dynamics, perceptions and paradigms about power, the mind-body connection and emotional intelligence.


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In this workshop you will:

  • Learn and apply a science-based model to identify and reframe self-limiting thoughts and feelings and that are negatively impacting your self-confidence and communications.
  • Identify the types of non-verbal communication that boost vs weaken self-confidence and credibility.
  • Reconnect with and leverage the essential elements of your “female gifts” to compassionately lead others.
  • Develop a strategy and action plan for effectively incorporating positive, impactful communication into your leadership style, approach and ongoing development.This workshop is beneficial for any woman who knows deep-down she has more to offer her organization and is motivated to step up, look within and make positive changes that will take her confidence and communication skills to the next level.
  • This workshop is beneficial for any woman who knows deep-down she has more to offer her organization and is motivated to step up, look within and make positive changes that will take her confidence and communication skills to the next level.