Kyle Hirshkind
Code on computer

Website developers continue to be sought after by companies of all sizes as web-based services become more tightly integrated with customer service and internal operations. Subsequently, experienced programmers are in high demand and the average salary for coders continues to climb.

Not surprisingly, the skills needed to become a proficient coder do not come with a wave of the wand. Rather, they are developed over time through experimentation, learning, and experience.

Even when one has charted the right course to secure these skills, finding the time and resources to do so can be a challenge. This is especially true for the working professional or recent graduate who hasn't received a degree in computer science. This is why UNH Professional Development & Training launched its coding boot camp—to bridge this gap for those who have the desire and commitment, but need mentoring and a supportive learning environment.

The UNH Coding Boot Camp spans 24 weeks and allows students to absorb, trial and master a variety of coding techniques. To maximize career advancement opportunities, the boot camp curriculum focuses on tasks and competencies that are coveted by the tech companies. This may be the biggest draw for students who are hoping to take the skills learned and transform them into professional careers—alignment with real-world tasks.

“The course was incredibly well put together,” said Katie DeAngelis, a former UNH undergraduate who completed the UNH Coding Boot Camp to advance to a career as a web developer at GYK Antler. “The curriculum included cutting-edge libraries, frameworks, and modules that are being used by some of the biggest tech companies in the world. For example, our final projects utilized React, which is a JavaScript library created and maintained by engineers at Facebook.”

Teacher looking at student's computer

The program’s intricate class schedule allows students to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, Node.js, Java, and more. All of this builds toward a well-rounded suite of skills needed to become a full stack developer, including proficiency in front-end and back-end development. Paul Laird, a current boot camp student, says the course has exceeded his expectations after only the first few weeks:

“The program has honestly exceeded my expectations so far. We covered in two weeks what I thought the entire program was going to be about. This program is so much more! We cover building a nice looking site for about two weeks and then we go right into JavaScript, which is the heart of the MERN stack we are learning.”

While the program focuses heavily on learning various types of code and design techniques, both DeAngelis and Laird stress that it also requires a fair amount of critical thinking and collaboration.

“We learned directly from our instructor as well as our TAs, but there was also quite a bit of peer-to-peer learning that occurred as well,” DeAngelis said. “I would say the most enjoyable part of the program (besides all of learning) would be those relationships you form in the class.”

Laird agreed, noting that “The physical classroom is a much better learning environment than online for many reasons. It's local, and you meet a lot of great like-minded people that you get to connect with. Many are looking to better themselves and their careers. Networking is extremely beneficial for everyone, and you get to do that while learning new skills.”


Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that jobs in web development will grow at least 20% by 2022.


As the job market for web developers continues to expand, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that jobs in web development will grow at least 20% by 2022. Web developers typically earn a salary between $63,000 and $110,000 per year. Luckily for students, UNH’s program offers additional support for career placement following the course.

“The career placement service through the Boot Camp was fantastic,” DeAngelis said. “I relied heavily on them while job hunting. They were available to help with any questions or concerns I had whether it was what to wear to an interview, a comprehensive review of my online presence, or salary negotiation. They made such a stressful and complicated process so much easier. I can’t thank them enough.”

A career in web development and coding is quickly becoming more lucrative and rewarding for those who pursue it. As businesses continue to shift their functions to online interactions, the necessity for proficient front and back-end developers accelerates. Even if you're new to coding, the UNH Coding Boot Camp will help you become a proficient programmer.

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