Trauma-Informed Instruction

Trauma-Informed Instruction
children with backpack sitting on stairs

Trauma informed practices in instruction benefit all students and can be a universal approach that's easier to implement than you think. Learn about the research behind trauma and toxic stress and how it affects the brain and learning/behaviors in order to recognize the signs and symptoms, so we can shift our mindset and how we're perceiving challenges.

Build your toolbox of practical classroom and schoolwide strategies to clearly identify and remove barriers to student success, teach and model coping skills, and build connections with even the most difficult students. Re-think traditional discipline procedures and move towards a focus on restorative practices and repairing relationships. You will walk away with evidence based practices that you can implement in your classroom the very next day.

Program Note: This workshop was formerly titled "Trauma Informed Practices"

9:00AM - 3:30PM
Live Online (USA Eastern Time)
Sarah Sherman
225.00 Workshop Fee
USNH Tuition Benefit Discount
10% Alumni Discount
REEO Discount