
Women's Leadership Retreat at UNH

Lead Like a Woman Retreat: The Inner Journey

Effective leadership begins from within.

Explore innate female leadership strengths suited for today’s complex, 21st Century work environment. Revised to incorporate immerging shifts in the work environment, their dynamics, and potential for impact at work. Building on your experiences and leadership structure, we will explore generational nuances and gendered solutions.

In this intensive program, you’ll look at research-based as well as field-tested approaches to women’s leadership and discuss women’s strengths and how they align with your organization’s model for leadership. You’ll focus on “self” as the primary instrument of leadership effectiveness and look at how problems are defined, issues are resolved, and how your strengths can engage others strategically. Together with other women, you will:

  • Identify individual strengths you can apply to your work and life
  • Explore unique female attributes key to leading constructively in an increasingly complex world
  • Discover beliefs that limit your future
  • Practice ways to renew your energy and sustain focus on a daily basis.

By adding women’s ways of leading to men’s, an entirely new paradigm can be created, one that holds the promise of creating wholeness and balance for communities, families, and organizations struggling to adapt to today’s challenges of change.

What You Will Learn


Lead Like a Woman Retreat: The Inner Journey

During this retreat tailored for women, you will:

  1. Identify individual strengths you can count on and apply to your work and life.
  2. Explore female leadership attributes that complement, rather than compete with, male leadership attributes.
  3. Discover beliefs that are limiting your future and release them.
  4. Practice ways to renew energy and sustain engagement on a daily basis.

Outcomes you will leave with include:

  1. Insights and strategies for leading from grounded strength to create powerful results in your career and in significant relationships.
  2. Ways to integrate multiple demands on your time in ways that encourage balance, meaning and purpose in your professional and personal life.
  3. Clarity and confidence dealing with complex responses to your leadership.

You will discover that Lead Like A Woman:

  • Means doing something different, not the same thing better
  • Means seeking connection as the basis for collaboration and as a way to build teams
  • Means understanding the need to build trust to accomplish complex tasks
  • Means knowing the wisdom of gaining buy-in to achieve sustainable results
  • Means feeling alone when you step out to lead
  • Means having your leadership strengths minimized, even by yourself
  • Means dealing with complex responses to your leadership from others.

Research and Methodology:

Although you will be reconnecting with the ancient core of your female essence, there is nothing “old” about what you will be learning in this Retreat.  The program is built on solid research and field-tested material in the behavioral sciences from such thought leaders as: Carol Gilligan, Margaret Wheatley, Edgar Schein, Angeles Arrien, Marija Gimbutas, Deborah Tannen, Leonard Schlein, Chris Argyrus, Marion Woodman, Louann Brizendine, Peggy MacIntosh, Eckhart Tolle and Shelley Taylor.

Lead Like a Woman will incorporate highly interactive techniques for learning, such as: sharing experiences in speak-out circles, small groups, using mimes, guided imagery, energy mobilization take-aways and constructive feedback.

Travel & Site Information


Lead Like a Woman Retreat: The Inner Journey

Browne Center

Located only an hour from Boston, Manchester, and Portland, and five miles from the University of New Hampshire, The Browne Center for Innovative Learning is nestled amidst The Great Bay Trust, a 103 acre wooded sanctuary. The facility offers accessible indoor and outdoor learning facilities with a rustic feel, but modern amenities.  From a lodge-style seminar room with fireplace, inviting yurts, to an outdoor climbing wall and two stat-of-the-art challenge courses, the facility offers an inspiring setting for any meeting, retreat, or group outing.

Click here for more information on The Browne Center for Innovative Learning: http://brownecenter.com/about/our-center/


The Browne Center for Innovative Learning is located at 340 Dame Road in Durham, NH, 03824.

Click here for detailed directions: http://brownecenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Browne-Center-Directions-2012.pdf

Instructor Bios


Lead Like a Woman Retreat: The Inner Journey

  • Kristin Hendrix

    Kristin Hendrix is an experienced executive who designs, builds, and transforms teams to help organizations develop new capabilities in data, analytics and technology.  As a published writer and public speaker, Kristin has used storytelling and a systemic approach to coach and develop authentic leaders. She currently works for Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina, where she is building analytics capabilities in their quest to transform healthcare. She previously worked for Liberty Mutual, IBM, Lucent and the Marine Corps. 

  • Carlotta Tyler

    Carlotta Tyler

    Carlotta Tyler, M.S.O.D., Associate Certified Coach (ACC) & PCC, has conducted a successful coaching and consulting practice on five continents for three decades. Formerly marketing director for a computer manufacturer, elected leader at municipal, state, and national levels, and founder of two corporations, her career has taken her from community development to corporate boardrooms, from parenting to politics, from Boston to Bangkok. A pioneer in developmental coaching, she crafted the Continuous Improvement Career Coachingª Model. She is an alum of UNH, American Univ., the National Training Institute in Washington, DC, and the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. She is certified in MBTI, and is a Gender Reconciliation Trainer, a Reiki Master, and trained in RYSE at the Polarity Institute.

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