
Introduction to ArcMap

Introduction to ArcMap

Learn the basics of working with ArcMap in a hands-on learning environment! This course is useful for people who have no prior GIS experience, as well as, novice ArcMap users looking to gain additional skills. With a focus on New Hampshire data and applications, participants learn how to use ArcMap to produce attractive, effective maps. In addition, each participant receives their own detailed step-by-step manual to use as a reference after the course is over.

Participants will learn to: design maps in ArcMap  |  import data into ArcMap  |  add online GIS data to your maps  |  symbolize GIS data  |  add labels and annotation, query data |  manipulate attribute tables

  • Desktop Mapping
  • Full 1-Day Workshop
  • Remote Training (Live Online)
  • Novice & Intermediate

- Software Discussed: ArcGIS Desktop | ArcMap

- Cost: $229 standard  |  $149 reduced

- Cost note: reduced rate applies to educational, non-profit, and governmental participants

- Contact: content - email Shane Bradt or call (603) 862-4277  |  logistics - email Kyle Hirshkind or call (603) 862-4312

If you are interested in learning ArcGIS Pro, please check out our Introduction to ArcGIS Pro workshop.

Instructor Bios


Introduction to ArcMap

This course is currently unavailable.