
JavaScript Developer

What You Will Learn

JavaScript Developer

  1. Introduction to JavaScript
    1. JavaScript Basics
    2. Variables, Arrays and Operators
    3. JavaScript Functions
    4. Built-In JavaScript Objects
    5. Conditionals and Loops
    6. Event Handlers and Listeners
    7. The HTML Document Object Model
    8. CSS Object Model
    9. Errors and Exceptions
  2. Advanced JavaScript Concepts
    1. Node.js
    2. Scope, var, let, and const
    3. Arrow Functions
    4. Rest Parameters
    5. Spread Operator
    6. Array Destructuring
    7. Template Literals
    8. Objects
    9. The this Object
    10. Array map() Method
    11. Array filter() Method
    12. Array find() Method
    13. JavaScript Modules
    14. Npm
  3. React
    1. Introduction to React
    2. JSX and React Elements
    3. React Components
    4. React State
    5. React Routing
    6. Styling React Apps
    7. Implementing Game Logic
    8. React Effects
  4. Introduction to Vue.js 3
    1. Getting Started with Vue.js
    2. Basic Vue Features
    3. Directives
    4. Implementing Game Logic
    5. Transitions and Animations
    6. Vue Routing
  5. Introduction to jQuery
    1. Getting Started with jQuery
    2. The jQuery Function and Selectors
    3. jQuery Manipulation
    4. jQuery Forms and Events
    5. jQuery Effects
    6. Ajax and jQuery
    7. Converting from jQuery to JavaScript
    8. Converting from JavaScript to jQuery

Tools & Materials

JavaScript Developer


Hardware Requirements:

  • This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac.

Software Requirements:

  • PC: Windows 10 or later.
  • Mac: macOS 11.0 or later.
  • Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge is also compatible.
  • Java (download and installation instructions are provided in course)
  • Visual Studio Code (download and installation instructions are provided in course)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.


  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.

Instructional Material Requirements:

The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.


JavaScript Developer

Nat Dunn

Nat Dunn founded Webucator in 2003 to combine his passion for technical training with his business expertise and to help companies benefit from both. His previous experience was in sales, business and technical training, and management. Nat has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in International Relations from Pomona College.


JavaScript Developer

Does this course prepare for a certification?


When can I start the course?

This course is open enrollment, so you can register and start the course as soon as you are ready. Access to your course can take 24-48 business hours.

How long does it take to complete this course?

This course is self-paced and open enrollment, so you can start when you want and finish at your own pace. When you register, you'll receive six (6) months to complete the course.

What if I don't have enough time to complete my course within the time frame provided?

The time allotted for course completion has been calculated based on the number of course hours. However, if you are unable to complete the course, contact the student advising team to see what options you may have available to work out a suitable completion date. Please note that an extension fee may be charged.

What kind of support will I receive?

Our courses are designed to accommodate various learning preferences. Depending on the course structure, you may get different forms of support. Self-paced courses are designed to be user-friendly and independent, minimizing the need for external support. In courses with instructors, our direct platform support feature includes opportunities for questions, discussions, and remediation, with email and phone support available for select courses. Our student advising team is available to guide you on program requirements and administrative requests, but they do not provide assistance with course content. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary support for success, whether it's through self-paced exploration, direct communication, or guidance from our advising team.

What happens when I complete the course?

Upon successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.

Am I guaranteed a job?

This course will provide you with the skills you need to obtain an entry-level position in most cases. Potential students should always do research on the job market in their area before registering.

Can I get financial assistance?

This course is non-credit, so it does not qualify for federal aid, FAFSA and Pell Grant. In some states, vocational rehab or workforce development boards will pay for qualified students to take our courses. Additionally, some students may qualify for financial assistance when they enroll, if they meet certain requirements. Financing is available from select schools. Learn more about financial assistance.

How can I get more information about this course?

If you have questions that are not answered on our website, representatives are available via LIVE chat. You can also call us at 1-877-221-5151 during regular business hours to have your questions promptly answered. If you are visiting us during non-business hours, please send us a question using the "Contact Us" form.

6 months