Violin & Viola Making at the UNH Violin Craftsmanship Institute

Violin & Viola Making Instructors

Todd Goldenberg

Todd Goldenbberg’s path to becoming a violin maker began with a degree in botany from the University of New Hampshire. Todd began to pursue his passion by moving to Portland Oregon where he studied with guitar maker Rob Ehlers. A move to Chicago was intended to expand his training in guitar-making, but, once there, Todd was hired at Bein and Fushi and he has been a violin maker ever since.



Claire Curtis

Claire Curtis is a violin maker and restorer in Southern Maine. She started her violin career in 1990, taking classes at the UNH Violin Craftsmanship Institute. Over the next ten years she took courses in violin repair, bow repair, bow making, and finally, violin making with Geigenbaumeister Karl Roy.



Introduction to Violin Making

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In this class, you will use precut and partially assembled parts to learn proper tool use and the skills needed to make a violin. Making a violin from scratch usually requires 200 hours or more; making a violin from a kit will let you find out if violin making is for you, without such of a significant commitment.


Violin and Viola Building

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A week of violin making at the UNH Violin Craftsmanship Institute is much like being in the workshop of a full-time violin making school. Participants will progress on their own instruments at their own pace with their own tools. Instruction will be given to each student, and to small groups, to individualize the learning experience.